Journalism Skills (Blog Entry No. 2)
As I go through phase of life, I open up roads that I’m not expecting to unfold. It’s a cliché to say, “there are a lot of things you will learn along the way,” but honestly, it is. I realize that I’m not just who I believed to be, and a lot of things that I encounter in crossing roads help me build myself. Considering that I take a path that I doubt myself of, which is Communication and Journalism. That’s why I wanted to share things about my skills that I know myself of, need to improve and want to keep up with.
I’ll start with being talkative. Possessing this character helps me be more friendly, attract communication, and better grasp when interviewing someone. But better to call this chatty part of me the ability to communicate. I’m competent in this skill, and communication is the foundation of my chosen course. To improve my craft, not just a “loud annoying nosy” person, I would like to turn my talkativeness into a well-rounded communicator. I want to be the person who helps to connect with the audience effectively and make my point in depth.
Second, having digital literacy. I’m proficient in using social media, websites, applications, smartphones, and software to create content. I can create videos, write and use different platforms such as communication mediums. With the help of exposure in my class and self-learning, I now have the apparent knowledge. Still, with real-life training, I will have the chance to enhance my digital literacy.
Third, I’m observant and abilities to gather information. I’m average at researching, but I voluntarily and take time to feed my curiosity if there is an interesting topic to find. And I’m good at reading body language so that I’m fond of observing around me. Rather than using it for leisure time, I would like to spend this skill on serious and time-worth matter, so I’m working on researching some time, and I would like to try and go on field training and find out how will I use these skills of me.
Lastly, I know about Journalism. I’m neither expertise nor a beginner since I already have a background in Journalism as part of my course. I know that I’m an intermediate at this, and I’m willing to work on it. With proper training and driven by the positive outlook that I’m pursuing this career, I expect to realize if this career truly fits my working habits and skills.