Hi, I'm April! My degree is Bachelor of Arts in Communication at Saint Louis University-Baguio. I'm currently residing at Pangasinan, where 'Bagoong' is always the partner of prepared viand. I like writing and conquering the literacy world with a splice of life content. I'm interested in watching movies or films that are true to life or reflect people's difficulties and learning from them. I lived by and manifesting on the quotes, "To live is to be among men, and to be among men is to struggle, a struggle not only with them but with oneself; with their passions, but also with one's own," by Gat. Jose Rizal. When I'm not writing, I read articles about color complement, draw randomly and color my mandala book, which are my weaknesses. I enjoy reading K-pop top news ( I hope I'm not the only one). I anticipate that you read, react and learn from my written stories.